

Designing, coding, and amazing. TigerJython offers everything you need to go from programming beginner to professional. You will find a wide variety of tutorials and can get started right away in programming environments specially developed for you. But enough talked now. Take a look around and discover our exciting content!

The old version of this website can still be found at programmierkonzepte.ch.

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Get to know TigerJython

TigerJython offers you different tutorials at different levels of difficulty: Learn to draw cool figures with the Turtle, program coordinate graphics with GPanel, control your own robot, or let your ideas run free while programming your first game. The possibilities are endless! In the tutorials you will learn about important programming concepts and get your first ideas of what you can do with TigerJython.

Next to our free tutorials, we have published two textbooks by Klett for grades 7 to 9 and 10 to 12 which both use TigerJython.

Code with TigerJython

With its IDE, TigerJython offers you a programming environment which supports you at coding. For instance, it helps you to to find bugs in your program. Error messages tell you as specifically as possible where errors may come from, so that you can fix them efforlessly. The error messages are available in different languages, including English. Besides that, TigerJython implements a number of didactical concepts that make programming easier for novices.

The browser-based online version WebTigerJython allows you to start right away without installing any software.
